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electronic gun中文是什么意思

用"electronic gun"造句"electronic gun"怎么读"electronic gun" in a sentence


  • 电子枪


  • Computer assistant design of a single anode electronic gun for gyrotron
  • Vcd 15 - - ( english ) : locks ' opening method by using the lock picks , pick guns and electronic guns
    Vcd十五(英语) :各种锁具的单勾,手动枪,电动枪技术开启方法
  • Vcd 15th - - ( english ) : locks ' opening method by using the lock picks , pick guns and electronic guns
    Vcd十五(英语) :各种锁具的单勾,手动枪,电动枪技术开启方法
  • Whether the electronic gun can start to work in the scheduled operating time or not , and the high temperature after the electronic gun begins to work will impact on the characteristic of the twt
  • In this dissertation , each of the twt component building blocks , such as the electronic gun , slow - wave structure and the collector , is presented . the thermal theories and the thermal conduction ways of each subsystem are discussed . the author presents some advice on the fast working of twt , the optimization of helix - slow wave structure , and how to minimize the collector
用"electronic gun"造句  
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